Wednesday, January 16, 2008

(Un)Reasonable Demands

Sometimes I think that people expect me to be perfect. It's as if I'm not allowed to make any mistakes. I enjoy life and I am active in my community and church. Today, someone called me to ask why I hadn't done something as if I'm the only person that could do what needed to be done. There were at least three others who were aware of the issue and they had equal access and ability to resolve the issue. But I'm the one who got the call to be reprimanded. I told the person in so many (polite) words that I am doing the very best I can with limited energy and resources and that I am only one person. The caller tried to agitate me, I remained silent and they said goodbye.

At least I'm proud that I didn't allow someone to aggravate me and make me stoop the level of arguing with them.

peace always,



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