I caught myself feeling mildly depressed at times today. A client called me a prick twice in one conversation and I promptly told him to call me when he wasn't being a potty mouth, then hung up on him. Then I realized that I hate my new job already! Ouch! That sucks after 3 months of training. Anyways, I'm determined to do at least a year there so that I can transfer into a better position. Besides, I want this company to pay for my Masters degree, so I'll hav to bite the bullet for 2-3 years minimum.
After work I met up with an acquaintance and another couple and we went to a gallery exhibit with 3 up and coming artists. We got to talk to the artists and enjoy their company. It was quite interesting. There was lots of free wine and finger foods so I got a nice buzz which helped me forget the stress of the work week. My buddy picked up a contemporary piece that the gallery allowed him to pay for in installments. Way cool!
Tomorrow is a busy day so I'll say goodnight.
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