Saturday, January 28, 2006

Where have I been?

Hey Folks:

For the past 5 months I was dating. Just like many others, I turned my back on many things during that time (including my blog). I started the blog August 1, 2005 and met him August 12, 2005.

Here's what happened, I went to a Black LGBT Pride weekend-long celebration that one of my buddies was co-chairing out in Minneapolis. The first night there, at a jazz club event I met this guy. We had conversation and several glasses of wine later he was beginning to appear more interesting.

The next night there was a 'White Party'. You know, everyone dresses up in all white for a fancy-dress event. I showed up looking quitefly in a white linen pants and short-sleeved shirt. I was helping my buddy with some set-up when I saw him walk in. He looked like a vision in white. I was hooked!

That night we danced and got to know each other a lot better (wink). The following day, Sunday, was the final event of the weekend celebrations. A day-long outdoor cookout. I rode over with some friends and he showed up a bit later after church. We took a 2-hour walk where we really talked and learned more about each other.

I flew back to philly the next day. That's when the fantasy began to slowly unravel. This guy is nice, considerate and very thoughtful. However, he essentially lives a 'straight' life and is unwilling to come out anytime soon. Since I consider myself an LGBT activist and since I'm out to all my family friends, both jobs and anyone else in my life that matters, I just can't date a 'closeted' man. I consider it a disservice to myself and to the African-American LGBT community-at-large. Thus, a few weeks ago I dumped him. Then we got back together for a few days, and he dumped me. It's all for the best. I was starting to become obsessed with when/if he was coming out. This took away from the joy of the realtionship and eventually overshadowed it. I'm sure I'll give you more detailed information in the upcoming days and weeks so stay tuned.


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