Saturday, May 24, 2008

God Bless America!

Hello People! I finally recieved the offer letter for my new job with the federal government! I'm ecstatic. I've wanted to be a civil servant for some time and the day has arrived.

I'll earn nearly 20% more than I did on my old job and I'll have the job security that comes with working for the federal government. After a 4 month classroom training and two years as a 'trainee' the sky is the limit with where I can go in the agency. I just read a NY times article stating that the agency I'll be working for is growing like crazy and that there's no slowdown in the forseeable future.

The offer package has over 50 pages in it! Now I know what people mean when they talk about 'red tape' and bureaucracy slowing America down. However, I will gladly fill out all the paperwork they need me to. God Bless America!

Friday, May 16, 2008


I feel like Cece Peniston. On one of her dance classics she sang "Finally, it has happened to me...and I'm so excited!". Well finally, boys & girls I have been made an offer for a job. I don't want to say too much until I receive the offer letter in the mail. Stay tuned for more info in the next week or so.

peace always,


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Can You Believe This?

My ex treated me like ish! I allowed it while we lived together for over 6 months, but thank God I had enough self-love and self-esteem to get out of that horrible situation.

Now the a$$hole is in a relationship with another dude who is supposedly "using" him and our mutual friends want me to intervene. WTF!?! Two people actually had conversations with me yesterday about how I should reach out to him and warn him about what's going on. Ha! That'll be the day. In my book, what goes around, comes around. Perhaps this is a valuable lesson that he needs to learn.

Personally, I think the guy is 'ok' and that they seem happy together. Sometimes I think that our mutual friends are still holding out hope that we will get back together, so they want the new dude out of the picture. However, I've learned some valuable lessons in life and one of the biggest ones is that "He's just not that into you". The way my ex interacts with the new guy is completely more natural and affectionate than we ever did, so I say "Cheers' to them both.

peace always,


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Summertime And The Livin' Ain't Easy!!!

It's official. The economy sucks!!! I've been looking for a job since February. It's now May! I've applied to over 60 companies for jobs that I'm qualified for. I have a great resume that was professionally put together (by one of the top firms in the country). I'm well-spoken and confident in interviews.

The only thing I can think of is this country is truly in a recession and we're burying our head in the sand.

Things are so bad for me financially, that I had to humble myself and ask my ex to borrow money to pay my rent. Wow! I never thought I'd reach such a low in this lifetime. Especially from someone who was so thoughtless to me in the past.

The only thing that keeps me going is my faith in God! If it weren't for that, I don't know where I'd be right now.