Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pride In The City!?!

Hey folks! I've just returned from Gay Pride in NYC! I had a blast hanging out with friends and acquaintances. However, I made some observations that have changed the way I view Pride events in general.

1) I'm getting older and the kids at pride seem to be getting younger. Why is it that guys over 30 seem to fall off the gay social radar? The few older guys I did see were mostly chasing young bucks.
2) Hanging out until 6 in the morning does not have the appeal to me that it once did. On the first night we partied in NYC, I was ready to go home after only a couple hours in the club. Needless to say, we didn't leave until the club closed at 5 am. I found my friends asleep on a sofa in the lower level of the club and they were the ones who wanted to stay!!! Hahaha....LOL.
3)Most gay men are still afraid to engage in conversation with each other unless it's a sexual come-on. If you try to engage many men in general convo and don't hit on them in the first few minutes they get this puzzled look on their face, like "Why don't you want to fcuk me?!?".

I didn't stay for the big parade on Christoper Street. After Friday and Saturday, I'd had enough and bid my friends adieu Sunday afternoon. Ah, it's good to be back home.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Is Officially Here!

Well boys and girls, it's official, summertime is here. The weird part is that the temps are in the low 70's here in philly, but I'm definitely not complaining. For everyday that the temperature is mild, I save money on cooling this gigantic apartment!

I made it through the first two weeks of training and orientation on the new job. In the first week, everyone was so nice and professional. By the second week, true personalities were coming out and things started to get interesting.

My training class is made up of a diverse group of blacks, whites and hispanics. Educationally, there are several MBA's, one lawyer, and a host of recent college grads. I have about 14 more weeks to go in training and I'm interested to see how personalities continue to be exposed.

Socially, I need to continue to nurturing my existing frienships as well as fostering new ones. I would love to have a buddy just to hang out with to go to movies, concerts and plays. The people I know now are busy entrepreneurs, work weekends, and in one case, just plain

I won't be able to accept the scholarship that I was offered because I was not able to figure out how I would pay my rent and buy groceries on a part-time gig. (The scholarship covered books & tuition and required I enroll full-time).

Keep me in your prayers and send me lots of positive energy and I will do the same for you.

peace always,


Sunday, June 08, 2008

New Beginnings

Tomorrow I start my new job. I don't know why, but I'm concerned about the government checking everything I've ever done in my life. I've never been to jail and don't have a criminal record, but I have a feeling they'll be looking at far more than that. Oh well, I guess it's part of the price to pay.

I've also been having some weird thoughts about the idea that I will be making a living due to the suffering of others. On the one hand, I will be helping veterans who have served their country, but on the other hand, the expansion that gave me my job is a direct result of the ongoing wars the US is involved in all over the Middle East.

I'm going to try to focus on the fact that I will be supporting veterans who have served our country and give them my best.

peace always,
