Sunday, March 02, 2008

Is It Hard To Say Goodbye?

Today, I saw my ex 'chatting up' another guy and I couldn't believe that I felt a tinge of jealousy. I mean, this is the guy that cheated on me and did all kinds of other things.

It's amazing how even if a person was crappy towards us, and even though we don't want them for ourselves, it bothers us when we see them with someone else.

A part of me almost wanted to warn the guy, but then I remembered one of my most important personal principles. "What goes around comes around!". Nah, actually, what I was thinking is that when my ex meets the right person for him that maybe he will treat them well. I'm a firm believer that meeting the 'right' person for you makes all the difference in the world. And when both parties feel the same way, then I believe it is nearly impossible for you to mistreat each other.

So, to my ex and his newfound friend, I wish you the best.

peace always,



Blogger Nario said...

I read a few entries and I find this space interesting, stay up........on the ex issue feelings come about simply because no matter how minute the situation was you shared personal moments with one another, it happens, and goes as just as quickly fortunately!

March 03, 2008 6:12 PM  
Blogger strong4u said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

March 04, 2008 2:54 PM  

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