Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama for yo' Mama Baby!

It's Tuesday, August 26th, 2008 and I can't believe that in just two days Barack Obama is scheduled to accept the nomination for the Democratic Presidential candidate of the United States of Amerikkka!

Furthermore, I can't believe that I will be watching Sen. Obama accept the nomination at a party sponsored by LGBT people of color in a major metropolitan city. We've come a long way Amerikkka!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy Bee!

I have been extremely busy lately. I have been confirmed for ordination as a Deacon. I am still in training (Week 11) of 16 for my new job. I'm teaching New Members class at church, and I traveled to Newark on Saturday and NYC on Sunday.

I have got to slow down. I didn't even have time to hang out with my friends this past weekend.

Aye yaye yaye!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chaos in the Classroom

Who would have thought that a group of well-educated professionals would be such a group of whiners! I am greatly dissapointed in some of my new co-workers apathetic attitudes and gossip-mongering. Come on people, we're all adults here, let's act like it!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Time Flies.....

Time flies when you're training for a new job. It seems like lately my life has been on 'go!'. I'm in week 9 of the 16-week training course and I thank God for it! This job is going to be something else. My prayer is that before training is over, it will all start to make sense to me.

Otherwise, life is going ok. I've been confirmed for ordination as a Deacon by my pastor. The next steps will involve meeting with my Jurisdictional Bishop and after that the Archbishop. Keep me in your prayers as I move forward in this process.

My romantic life is non-existent at the present time. However, I have decided that I am ready to start dating again when the right opportunity presents itself.

peace and blessings always,

